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Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Course Rishikesh

Welcome the Divine Blessings in Your Child with Pre-natal Yoga and Spiritual TTC

Pregnancy is known as one of the most beautiful happenings on this earth when a symbol of eternal love takes its physical form. For any mother there is nothing more important than raising her child inside her womb and even after it comes out. Science has proven that the child undergoes a series of emotional and physical changes within the mother’s body. As it takes its complete shape to come to this earth, it is vital that the life that is developing inside a mother has to be nourished properly with diet, both physical as well as spiritual diet. This is the reason why learned masters have emphasized spiritual and yogic lifestyle for any pregnant lady. This not only offers a comfortable and rejuvenating atmosphere for the mother and the developing child within, but also helps in holistic development of the child guiding him/ her from different stages inside the womb.

Prenatal Yoga Teacher training in Rishikesh

Practice of asana and pranayama must be practiced daily. It will make you insightful and spiritful - Yogi Vishnu

Pre-natal Yoga and Spiritual TTC for the would-be mothers

At Samadhi Yoga Ashram we have devised a special prenatal yoga teacher training coursefor pregnant ladies who would like to nurture their divine blessing in the right path. This special retreat program is a complete program that takes care of the diet of the mother and child while making the pregnant women learn how to take the best care for their baby while it is still in the womb. We make this retreat quite comfortable for the expecting mothers, which offers them complete rejuvenation and peace of mind. Our special yoga and spiritual retreat for pregnant women offers a dynamic perspective-shift in the path of spirituality so as to develop a responsible and spiritually evolved child. We take care of mothers through their daily rituals and diets while guiding them smoothly through a spiritually enlightened path, which nurtures the child quite positively.

Join our Prenatal Yoga and Spiritual TTC for an evolved child

We ensure that the expecting mothers receive the best in terms of spiritual enlightenment, shatvik food, enough sleep, and active yoga practices which directly impact the development of the child inside the womb. With our retreat program, we also guide expecting mothers on how to look after their own body and mind as it is directly connected with their child inside. We also advise pregnant ladies for a complete check on their thoughts and channelize their times in a positive company (Satsang), which develops a spiritually enlightened child with a healthy body and mind. With our attention on every minor detail for the pregnant ladies, we make sure this Pregnancy Yoga teacher trainingprogram offers complete rejuvenation to the expecting mothers while supporting a better and much positive development for their child within.

Develop your willpower and destroy the ever busy ego - Yogi Vishnu

Curriculum For Pre Natal Yoga Teacher Training Course

All about Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Course

  • Welcome Message and introduction to Prenatal TTC
  • Initiation to this journey (500 years old tradition)
  • Preparation to initiation into Himalayan Tradition
  • Initiation/Guru Prayers
  • What is Pregnancy Yoga and why it is important to a RPYT
  • Eligibility and who can join RPYT
  • About our experience about Prenatal Yoga Course
  • Aims and Objectives of prenatal Yoga TTC
  • Prenatal yoga to bring new generation of good people
  • Lifestyle during your course
  • How to use the videoes and books/Manuals for your study
  • Assignments and examination
  • Certification and registration

Books, Manuals & study materials

  • Pre-Natal Asana Manual
  • Post-Natal Asana Manual
  • Mantra Manual
  • Pre-natal Meditation Manual
  • Pre-Natal Pranayama Manual
  • Daily life of a yogi book (Yogi Vishnu)
  • Prenatal Yoga Anatomy and Therapy
  • Prenatal Yoga Nidra Manual
  • Teaching Methodology Manual
  • Assignments and Instructions

Pre-natal Teaching Methodology

  • Important factors about pregnancy
  • What should the student and teacher know
  • How to prepare a Pregnancy yoga class
  • Different hormonal stages and percussion during the class
  • How to make sequence a prenatal class
  • Voice tone
  • Class setup and music and light
  • Proper guidance to be connected with inner self as well as with the baby inside
  • Emotion and fear management

Beginning step of Prenatal Yoga

  • Prepare students for different changes in body and mind
  • How to relax and peaceful during pregnancy
  • How to move your body and continuing warm up exercises
  • Student should understand the different variations of yoga practices
  • How much dynamic exercise can one do during pregnancy
  • Therapeutic/restorative asana practice with breathing
  • Preparation for the birth- a great event in life for a woman

Prenatal Yoga Therapy for different issue:

  • for spine and back issue
  • For digestion
  • Sleeping issue
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Fear and anger
  • Breathing issue
  • Pelvic floor
  • Other problems

How can you guide yourself in each trimester?

  • first Trimester
  • second trimester
  • third trimester
  • before the labor
  • During the labor

Asana Practices

Early Pregnancy Yoga (1-3 Month)

  • Vajrasana (The Thunderbolt)
  • Trikonasana (Easy Triangle)
  • Sarvangasana ( Shoulder stand)
  • Shoulder Stretches.
  • Sitting Stretches.
  • Breath and Awareness.
  • Basic Pelvic Alignment.
  • Spinal Rolls.

Mid Pregnancy (4-6 months)

  • Surya Namaskar.
  • Advanced Triangle to Moon.
  • Easy Archer to Warrior.
  • Tree pose.
  • Standing Hip Openers.
  • Strong Centering Poses.
  • Easy Kneeling Stretches.
  • Dynamic Kneeling Stretches.
  • Standing Twists.
  • Easy Triangle to the moon.
  • Advanced Kneeling Stretches.
  • Alignment of spine sitting chair stretches.
  • Sitting stretches.
  • Wide-open stretches.
  • Pelvic floor stretches.
  • Breath awareness.

Late Pregnancy (7-9 months)

  • Sitting stretches.
  • Wide Kneeling Stretches.
  • Yoga For better sleep.
  • Alignment of the spine.
  • Sun salutation.
  • Circular stretches.
  • Warrior to the wall.
  • Warrior to the wall.

Post-Natal Yoga

  • Post-Natal Surya Namaskar.
  • Abdominal Stretches.
  • Gentle Back Stretches.
  • Sitting Twists.
  • Kneeling Stretches.
  • Kneeling Sun Salutation.
  • Standing Sun Salutation.
  • Standing Forward Bend.
  • Rolling Plough.


  • Basics of Meditation
    • Learn how to sit in pregnancy
    • How to breathe in pregnancy
    • How to relax in pregnancy
    • How to meditate in Pregnancy
  • Pranava Dhyan(AUM chanting and reaching to the fetus inside the womb)
  • Pregnancy meditation for baby in the womb
  • So-hum meditation
  • Pregnancy Mantra Meditation
  • Nadabramha (Humming Meditation)
  • Womb cleaning meditation


  • Prenatal Message
  • Post Natal Massage
  • Baby Massage

Healing Practices

  • Reiki Healing for the womb and baby
  • Mantra Healing for the mother and child
  • Naval cord healing

Breathing Practices for Pregnant Women

  • Kapalbhati during pregnancy
  • Bhastrika during pregnancy
  • Nadisodhanam
  • Bhramari
  • Ujjayi healing breath
  • Naval cord breathing
  • Peaceful breathing
  • Mantra breathing awareness
  • Healing Breath awareness for baby

Awareness & Cautions

  • Cautions and conditions
  • Pelvic floor and how to locate it

Pregnancy Yoga Anatomy

  • Anatomical and physical changes
  • How organs function during pregnancy
  • Complications (Miscarriage, Premature Labor, Preeclampsia)
  • Anatomy of the womb - the sacred yoni
  • Fetal development
  • Ailments and discomforts of pregnancy
  • Guidelines- fetal positioning

Mantra for Pregnancy

  • For Normal Delivery.
  • Removing Pain.
  • For Good Environment at Home.
  • Good Health.
  • Peace in mind
  • For the baby
  • For positivity
  • To remove obstacles

Sex during Pregnancy

  • Allowed or Not.
  • Special Care during Relationship.

Yoga Philosophy, Lifestyle and Ethics

  • Understanding the true meaning of Yoga in Pregnancy
  • Practical understanding of eight limbs
  • Yogic culture and spirituality during pregnancy
  • 16 Samskara
    • How to conceive the baby(Garbhadharan)
    • Spiritual Purification of the fetus in 3rd month
    • Spiritual Purification of the fetus in 7th month
    • Spiritual Purification of newborn baby during birth
    • How to name a baby
    • Mundan samskara for the baby
    • Food for the baby
  • Ethics of a Prenatal Yoga Teacher
  • The mind of a mother
  • Motherhood is a blessing
  • Tantrik understanding of Feminism
  • Relationship of wise and husband during pregnancy

Yoga Nidra

  • Prenatal Yoga Nidra preparation
  • Deep relaxation
  • 31 point blue star Yoga Nidra
  • 61 point blue star yoga Nidra
  • Inner light yoga Nidra
  • Inner silence yoga Nidra

Mudra for Pregnancy

  • Importance of Mudra during pregnancy
  • Best mudra during pregnancy
  • Best mudra during labor
  • Helpful mudras

Nutrition and lift style during pregnancy

  • Foods to Avoid.
  • Healthy Foods.
  • Nutrients that help during Pregnancy.
  • Food to balance bata, pitta, and Kapha during labor

Ayurveda tips

  • Basics of Ayurveda
  • Herbs and nutrition
  • Ayurveda medicines
  • Ayurveda before, during, and after pregnancy

What should you do during labor

  • Breathing during labor
  • Mantra during labor
  • Caring during labor
  • Role of the father during labor
  • Best labor techniques
  • Meditation/visualization

Assessments are based on

  • Written Test.
  • Oral Test.
  • Attendance.
  • Performance.
  • Behavior.

Caring New born baby

  • Baby Massage.
  • Feeding Milk.
  • Food after 6 months.
  • Mantra for Baby.
  • Special Care.

Birth and delivery

  • Medical and holistic models of care
  • Birth choices/empowered birth
  • Stages of labor and yoga for birthing

How to register?

If you are expecting a child, this is the best time to join our Prenatal Yoga teacher training program at our Ashram in Rishikesh. We offer the finestprenatal yoga teacher training course in Rishikeshfor pregnant women. For registration and other details of our arrangements, you can speak to us at your convenience. Take a great stride to support the development of your child inside you in a spiritually enlightened manner! We are here to welcome you with a warm embrace.

Why Choose Samadhi yoga Ashram

  • Tradition- We follow Ancient Traditional yoga of The Himalayas.
  • Location – We are located in a peaceful, serene, and beautiful place in Rishikesh.
  • Lap of Mother Ganga- we are situated on the bank of the Ganga River.
  • Himalayan Jungle – The jungle is just behind our ashram closely.
  • Curriculum – All practices and theory
  • Teacher – we have 14+ experienced teachers under the guidance of Yogi Vishnu
  • Courses- we offer around 15 different important courses.
  • Experiences- Until now our ashram has trained more than 3000 yoga teachers around the world.
  • Spirituality- Our training is based on spiritual practices.
  • Kundalini-based training- Our main purpose is to awake the latent energy of our students.
  • First kundalini yoga ashram- we are the first school who stated the kundalini yoga TTC
  • Founder- Yogi Vishnu is one of the well-known Yogi who is the founder and teacher.
  • Holistic yoga- Holistic yoga Teacher training is one of the best course we offer

Availability of the Pre-Natal Yoga Teacher Training Course:2024-2025

Dates Availability

Course Price Indian Citizen 2 Shared Room 4 Sharing Room Private Room

Book Seat Now Limited Offer

25th To 30th Aug 2024 02 Seats left

₹25000₹100000(2 Shared Room) Indian Citizen $1099$1499(Females Only) 4 Sharing Room $599$999 2 Sharing Room $649$1049 Private Room

Book Seat

25th To 30th Sep 2024 03 Seats left

₹25000₹100000(2 Shared Room) Indian Citizen $1099$1499(Females Only) 4 Sharing Room $599$999 2 Sharing Room $649$1049 Private Room

Book Seat

25th To 30th Oct 2024 03 Seats left

₹25000₹100000(2 Shared Room) Indian Citizen $1099$1499(Females Only) 4 Sharing Room $599$999 2 Sharing Room $649$1049 Private Room

Book Seat

25th To 30th Nov 2024 03 Seats left

₹25000₹100000(2 Shared Room) Indian Citizen $1099$1499(Females Only) 4 Sharing Room $599$999 2 Sharing Room $649$1049 Private Room

Book Seat

25th To 30th Dec 2024 04 Seats left

₹25000₹100000(2 Shared Room) Indian Citizen $1099$1499(Females Only) 4 Sharing Room $599$999 2 Sharing Room $649$1049 Private Room

Book Seat

25th To 30th Jan 2025 06 Seats left

₹25000₹100000(2 Shared Room) Indian Citizen $1099$1499(Females Only) 4 Sharing Room $599$999 2 Sharing Room $649$1049 Private Room

Book Seat

25th To 30th Feb 2025 07 Seats left

₹25000₹100000(2 Shared Room) Indian Citizen $1099$1499(Females Only) 4 Sharing Room $599$999 2 Sharing Room $649$1049 Private Room

Book Seat

25th To 30th Mar 2025 06 Seats left

₹25000₹100000(2 Shared Room) Indian Citizen $1099$1499(Females Only) 4 Sharing Room $599$999 2 Sharing Room $649$1049 Private Room

Book Seat

25th To 30th Apr 2025 05 Seats left

₹25000₹100000(2 Shared Room) Indian Citizen $1099$1499(Females Only) 4 Sharing Room $599$999 2 Sharing Room $649$1049 Private Room

Book Seat

25th To 30th May 2025 05 Seats left

₹25000₹100000(2 Shared Room) Indian Citizen $1099$1499(Females Only) 4 Sharing Room $599$999 2 Sharing Room $649$1049 Private Room

Book Seat

Free online class videos for home studies

Accommodation For This Course

Frequently Asked Questions

To prepare yourself you need to Know these things:

  • Check the weather of India on that month you join.
  • Prepare yourself with some home studies of yoga, you can take the basic foundation course that we provide online.
  • Prepare your health and mind.
  • Come with an open mind to receive the wisdom of yoga

Yes, it is enough to teach, Our experienced yoga teacher will heal you and elevate you in such a way that you become inspired. After that, you cannot stay without teaching. Yes !!!! A yoga teacher is not only a teacher of techniques but a teacher of Love. Kindness and compassion. So come and elevate. We believe a true yoga teacher teaches first own self. You will be certified as a 100-hour yoga teacher and you can be registered in yoga alliance USA, Yoga Alliance professional.

Before teaching yoga you need to have a profound self-practice and training from the authentic yoga school. It is not the matter how long you should practice but it matters how much and how sincerely you practice and how much experience you have. At least 2 or 3 years of regular practice give you a good amount of experience to teach yoga. Yoga alliance also recommend 2 years of time

If you have done the 100 Hours basic yoga course, you will not be a registered yoga teacher in yoga alliance but you will be eligible to attend our 100 Yoga ttc in any month for 100 hour more and you will complete 100 hours. Yes you can teach the simple practices like joint movements, simple asana, pranayama and meditation practices.

Students Reviews

Discipline Rules for Students

  • No Smoking and alcohol in the Ashram.
  • If you are not having your meal any day inform the kitchen Manager 3 hours before.
  • Respect your teacher and follow all the disciples make by the ashram for your successful course.
  • Always be on time, you are late means will not be permitted to join the class.
  • Before departure return your books, maps, or any goods which you borrowed.
  • Samadhi Yoga Ashram provides accommodation for a student who joins yoga classes. So any friends or relatives will not be included in the accommodation. If anybody is coming with you please inform the ashram earlier.
  • Students have to present in all scheduled programs of the Samadhi Yoga ashram.

Refund Policy - Samadhi Yoga Ashram

  • An advance of course fees will not be refundable, only in the case of emergency students can join us on other schedules.
  • If a student cancels the course, we accept cancellation but the advance deposit will not be refunded in cancellation.
  • There is no charge of course cancellation. The student just has to inform by email.
  • Samadhi Yoga Ashram is not responsible for any mishappenings before the course schedule

What does the course fees include ?

  • 8 nights shared Accommodation
  • 9th day Checkout (Before 12 PM)
  • Daily nutritious vegetarian meals and tea
  • Weekend excursions
  • Yoga cleansing kit- Neti pot, Sutra neti
  • Himalayan Cave meditation trip

What is not included in the course fees ?

  • Any expenses related to visa and travel
  • Private accommodation- 150 USD additional
  • Taxi-pickup from (DED) Dehradun airport is free.
  • Taxi-pickup from Haridwar Railway Station - 20 USD.
  • Ayurvedic Treatment & Massages extra cost
  • Air-conditioner or room heater- 100 USD additional

Contact Information

Drop us a line and let us know how we can help.


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If You Have Any Query Regarding Any Course

Providing The Best

Student's Reviews

Allen Joy


I trained with Yogi Vishnu Ji for a 200 hr self-paced traditional kundalini & tantra certification course. His warm and professional way of teaching aligned with how I learn best. The material is organized, there are supporting people behind the scenes and the course felt like a family. Since I was self-paced and I have limited internet, it was important for me to find a course where I could learn through videos 2-3 days a week. I took the whole 3 months to complete the course, however still feel connected to the knowledge and warmth of Yogi Ji... Thank you Samadhi Yoga Ashram for offering such a gift that will be passed to the world.

Inna Kelberer


I have been practicing yoga for 3,5 years. I have always wanted to learn yoga deeper and to become one day a yoga teacher. I believe you can learn and study more just by teaching others. In this way, you can grow yourself and you can help other people grow as well. I had a lot of questions in my mind when I decided to register for Guru Vishnu’s yoga teacher training course. He promised that the course would change my life. But I didn’t expect that the changes in my life would be so rapid and huge. I am delighted with the level of preparation of any events, quantity, and quality of information! I am very impressed!

Kimberly Prado


I am so grateful to have chosen to attend this school online, it really changed my perspective of learning yoga in a more traditional sense giving me the greatest understanding I need to continue my journey. The teachers are beyond amazing and the people you meet wonderful people from all over the world. I cannot wait to attend this school in India in the nearest future. I highly recommend this school. I love the traditional teachings which gave me the experience I needed to build a strong yoga foundation. It is definitely life-changing in the most positive way. I love this school!!!



Well, my experience over the last month has been magical, to say the least. I had signed up for a Kundalini YTT and that Kundalini knowledge ended up being just the extra bonus. The daily lessons with Guru Vishnu Ji are something I feel everyone should experience in their lifetime, our world would be a much better place, that is for sure. The amazing group of my classmates from all over the world truly added a real sparkle to my experience. It is so incredibly refreshing to be surrounded by so many wonderful, like-minded people, even if only on a virtual platform for now. I can not wait to meet my new family live in Rishikesh when the time is right.

Selena Delesie


I had an amazing experience with Samadhi Yoga Ashram for my Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training. It was an online version, but they did so well in helping to feel deeply connected to the teachers, staff, my Guruji Vishnu, and my fellow students around the world. They are authentic, warm-hearted, and very supportive in helping students find their path as not only a yoga teacher, but a student, a yogi who lives yoga as a way of life, and in navigating personal and collective wounds. I highly recommend it to anyone seeking traditional yoga as a way of life and in guiding others on their path too. It was a life-changing experience, following a very challenging couple of years. I am finally feeling whole again.



Staying at the Samadhi Yoga Ashram for my 200-hour yoga teacher training was the best decision I ever made. The staff and teachers were super friendly and knowledgeable. By the end of the 18-day intensive training we were so close, always laughing and hugging. I really feel like we all became a family. I made amazing memories there. The facility and accommodations met my expectations and had everything I needed. When I went in December it was a little cold but if you have enough blankets you will be fine! The staff also has plenty of blankets for people to use if needed. The food was delicious and plentiful every day. We also had enough time for breaks throughout the day to explore the town and have fun. Would highly recommend it!

Check Our Other Reviews


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