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100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh, India

Yoga has been in practice in India and in other parts of the world since thousands of years. According to the states of self-enlightenment, the ancient Spiritual Masters have sub-divided yoga in to different parts. Ashtanga Yoga has been one of the most practiced and adopted yogic principles for its absolute trance. The eight spiritual practices that united to form the Ashtanga Yoga offer a disciplined and gradual progress of body, mind and soul. The eight types of spiritual practices that are incorporated in Ashtanga Yoga are:

  • Yama (the codes of moral conduct – preparing the body and mind)
  • Niyama (the principles that believe in self-study and self-purification)
  • Asana (physical and anatomic postures)
  • Pranayama (controlling breathing so as to control the vibrations of thoughts)
  • Pratyahara (abstinence from physical desires)
  • Dharana (dedicated and committed concentration to attain a supreme sense)
  • Dhyana (complete meditation for thought control and improving concentration)
  • Samadhi (absorption into the Universe to collect meditative consciousness)
100 hour yoga teacher training in rishikesh india

Start Yoga in your life, it will give you a good shape, good energy and positivity. Your purpose in life will be fixed and you find success in every step of life. - Yogi Vishnu

Samadhi Yoga

Samadhi (sam-a-dhi) is a Sanskrit word which translates in to “to bring together” or “to collect”. This is a stage, where the practitioners can college all the trance energy from the surrounding and can redirect that energy on some particular attainment. Samadhi Yoga is known as the most pious and most coveted form of yoga among the yogis and spiritual masters. In yogic science, there is no higher state than a state of Samadhi, which is one of the most blissful states of mind.

Samadhi Yoga Teacher Training Certification Program

At Samadhi Yoga Ashram, we offer two distinct types of Samadhi Yoga Teacher Training Certification program in Rishikesh through our spiritual masters. The 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh has been certified by Yoga Alliance International – the most honored body for recognition and certification of Yoga Trainers across the world. At our Ashram, we believe in 200-Hour yoga teacher training for our disciples, who are interested to form a career in Yoga in their respective regions. This is the reason, why we have devised this 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, which includes the eight distinct practices of Ashtanga Yoga with its core philosophy and techniques.

100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Certification program in Rishikesh

Samadhi Yoga Ashram has been certified and recognized by Yoga Alliance International(Under World Peace Yoga School)to offer 100 Hours intensive and holistic Yoga Teacher Training for the aspirants. This certification program has a balanced combination of Yoga basics, traditions, values, and philosophy along with knowledge of yoga nutrition, Ayurveda, and alternative healing. This 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Rishikesh Certification program puts emphasis on a clear understanding of Ashtanga Yoga and practices that stage-by-stage make it a daily ritual. With a scientifically designed curriculum, we ensure to impart the skills and fundamentals that every practitioner needs to know about attaining trance through our 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Rishikesh Certification program.

After successful completion of this program, participants are awarded Certificates recognized by Yoga Alliance International and pursue their career as a Yoga Teacher in their preferred geographical areas.

Samadhi Yoga Ashram is committed to creating a bond of love by spreading the message for the attainment of World Peace through its Yoga Teacher Training programs. We, therefore, encourage participants from all corners of the world to undergo this certification program under highly knowledgeable spiritual masters of SYA to engross the absolute knowledge and skills of Samadhi Yoga.

For details of our Yoga Teacher Training Calendar and Admission procedures, anyone can refer to our website as described below.

Join Samadhi yoga ashram and feel the inner bliss in the company of revered yogis in the serene environment of blissful Rishikesh. We offer one of the best 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh.

100-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Rishikesh, Complete Curriculum

Samadhi Yoga International Approved Curriculum, 100 Hour Yoga TTC

  • Pawanmuktasana series 1
  • Pawanmuktasana serie 2
  • Pawanmuktasana series 3

  • sun salutation (Meditative and Vinyasa)
  • Moon Salutation (Meditative and Vinyasa)

  • Standing pose
  • Sitting pose
  • Kneeling pose
  • Forward bending asana
  • Backword being asana
  • Twisting asana
  • Fire series asana
  • Tadasana (palm tree pose)
  • Triyak tadasana (swaying palm tree pose)
  • Trikonasana (triangle pose)
  • Parivirtatrikon asana – revolving triangle pose
  • Uttkatasana –chair pose
  • Virabhadrasana 1 -warrior 1
  • Virabhadrasana 2 -warrior 2
  • Virabhadrasana 3 -warrior 3
  • Ardha Chandrasana- Half moon pose

  • What is Prana and Pranayama
  • How Prana flow in the body
  • Types of major and sub prana
  • Pranayama and life span
  • Prana healing
  • Know how to breathe correctly
  • Diphragmatic breathing and qualities of breath
  • Anatomy of pranayama
  • Kapal Bhati Pranayama Level I
  • Bhastrika Pranayama Level I
  • Bhramari Pranayama Level I
  • Sitli and Sitkari Pranayama without rentention
  • Yogic breathing Level I with sitting and supine position
  • Nadi sodhanam Pranayama 1 techniques

  • What is meditation and what not
  • Major meditation Tradition
  • How to sit in meditation
  • How to breath in meditation
  • How to relax in meditation
  • How to focus In meditation
  • So-ham meditation
  • Nadabrahma meditation
  • Mantra Meditation

  • Buddha walk
  • Contemplation on real Self- Shivoham

  • Mastering Sleep through Yoga Nidra
  • Mastering Death through Yoga Nidra
  • Complete relaxation practice
  • Point to point Yoga Nidra

  • What are Energy blockages?
  • Reasons for blocking the energy and chakras
  • Three majors energy blockages
  • Mula bandhas (Root lock) Level I
  • Uddiyana bandha (Abdominal lock) Level I
  • Jalandhar Bandha (Throat Lock) Level I
  • Maha Bandha ( Great Lock) Level I

  • What is Mudra and its necessity in yoga
  • Mudras- The energy Tranqulisr
  • Jnana Mudra
  • Chin mudra
  • Bhairava mudra
  • Vishnu/pranayama mudra

  • Yoga Tradition and History of yoga
  • The Classical Texts of Yoga Tradition
  • Yoga Sutra of Patanjali – Raja Yoga
  • Bhagavat Geeta – Lord Krishna
  • What is ashtanga yoga
  • Mind and its functions
  • Chakras and Kundalini in Yoga
  • Hinduism – a way of living not a religion

  • Understanding the balance and imbalance of the body
  • Alignment an art to be free from injuries in yoga
  • Helping the energy flow correctly in the nadis
  • Adjusting pose is a part of yoga therapy
  • Applying in all exercises

  • Mantra What and Why
  • Origin of Mantras and The Vedas
  • 4 kinds of Speech
  • Gayatri Mantra- om bhur
  • Shiva Mantra- om Namah Shivaya
  • Guru Mantra- Guru brahma
  • Healing Mantras- Maha mritunjaya

  • Understanding skeletal system for joints movements
  • The function of the Muscular system in yoga
  • Respiratory system and Pranayama
  • Spiritual Anatomy
  • Posture anatomy

  • Foundation of Yoga Therapy
  • Origin, history, and development of Yoga Chikitsa
  • The yogic perspective of human existence
  • Ayurvedic perspective of Human Existence
  • Prakriti and its Analysis

  • Basic principles of Ayurveda

  • Attendance
  • Performance
  • Behavior

Why Choose Samadhi yoga Ashram

  • Tradition- We follow Ancient Traditional yoga of The Himalayas.
  • Location – We are located in a peaceful, serene, and beautiful place in Rishikesh.
  • Lap of Mother Ganga- we are situated on the bank of the Ganga River.
  • Himalayan Jungle – The jungle is just behind our ashram closely.
  • Curriculum – All practices and theory
  • Teacher – we have 14+ experienced teachers under the guidance of Yogi Vishnu
  • Courses- we offer around 15 different important courses.
  • Experiences- Until now our ashram has trained more than 3000 yoga teachers around the world.
  • Spirituality- Our training is based on spiritual practices.
  • Kundalini-based training- Our main purpose is to awake the latent energy of our students.
  • First kundalini yoga ashram- we are the first school who stated the kundalini yoga TTC
  • Founder- Yogi Vishnu is one of the well-known Yogi who is the founder and teacher.
  • Holistic yoga- Holistic yoga Teacher training is one of the best course we offer

Availability of The 100 Hour Yoga TTC 2024 - 2025

Dates Availability

Course Price 6 Sharing Room 4 Sharing Room 2 Sharing Room Private Room

Book Seat Now Limited Offer

1st To 13th Aug 2024 02 Seats left

$699$1099(Females Only) 6 Sharing Room $799$1199(Females Only) 4 Sharing Room $899$1299 2 Sharing Room $1099$1499 Private Room

Book Seat

1st To 13th Sep 2024 03 Seats left

$699$1099(Females Only) 6 Sharing Room $799$1199(Females Only) 4 Sharing Room $899$1299 2 Sharing Room $1099$1499 Private Room

Book Seat

1st To 13th Oct 2024 03 Seats left

$699$1099(Females Only) 6 Sharing Room $799$1199(Females Only) 4 Sharing Room $899$1299 2 Sharing Room $1099$1499 Private Room

Book Seat

1st To 13th Nov 2024 03 Seats left

$699$1099(Females Only) 6 Sharing Room $799$1199(Females Only) 4 Sharing Room $899$1299 2 Sharing Room $1099$1499 Private Room

Book Seat

1st To 13th Dec 2024 03 Seats left

$699$1099(Females Only) 6 Sharing Room $799$1199(Females Only) 4 Sharing Room $899$1299 2 Sharing Room $1099$1499 Private Room

Book Seat

5th To 17th Jan 2025 07 Seats left

$699$1099(Females Only) 6 Sharing Room $799$1199(Females Only) 4 Sharing Room $899$1299 2 Sharing Room $1099$1499 Private Room

Book Seat

1st To 13th Feb 2025 06 Seats left

$699$1099(Females Only) 6 Sharing Room $799$1199(Females Only) 4 Sharing Room $899$1299 2 Sharing Room $1099$1499 Private Room

Book Seat

1st To 13th Mar 2025 06 Seats left

$699$1099(Females Only) 6 Sharing Room $799$1199(Females Only) 4 Sharing Room $899$1299 2 Sharing Room $1099$1499 Private Room

Book Seat

1st To 13th Apr 2025 06 Seats left

$699$1099(Females Only) 6 Sharing Room $799$1199(Females Only) 4 Sharing Room $899$1299 2 Sharing Room $1099$1499 Private Room

Book Seat

1st To 13th May 2025 07 Seats left

$699$1099(Females Only) 6 Sharing Room $799$1199(Females Only) 4 Sharing Room $899$1299 2 Sharing Room $1099$1499 Private Room

Book Seat

Free online class videos for home studies

Frequently Asked Questions

To prepare yourself you need to Know these things:

  • Check the weather of India on that month you join.
  • Prepare yourself with some home studies of yoga, you can take the basic foundation course that we provide online.
  • Prepare your health and mind.
  • Come with an open mind to receive the wisdom of yoga

Yes, it is enough to teach, Our experienced yoga teacher will heal you and elevate you in such a way that you become inspired. After that, you cannot stay without teaching. Yes !!!! A yoga teacher is not only a teacher of techniques but a teacher of Love. Kindness and compassion. So come and elevate. We believe a true yoga teacher teaches first own self. You will be certified as a 100-hour yoga teacher and you can be registered in yoga alliance USA, Yoga Alliance professional.

Before teaching yoga you need to have a profound self-practice and training from the authentic yoga school. It is not the matter how long you should practice but it matters how much and how sincerely you practice and how much experience you have. At least 2 or 3 years of regular practice give you a good amount of experience to teach yoga. Yoga alliance also recommend 2 years of time

If you have done the 100 Hours basic yoga course, you will not be a registered yoga teacher in yoga alliance but you will be eligible to attend our 100 Yoga ttc in any month for 100 hour more and you will complete 100 hours. Yes you can teach the simple practices like joint movements, simple asana, pranayama and meditation practices.

Students Reviews

Discipline Rules for Students

  • No Smoking and alcohol in the school.
  • If you are not having your meal any day inform the kitchen Manager 3 hours before.
  • Respect your teacher and follow all the disciples make by the school for your successful course.
  • Always be on the time, you are late means will not be permitted to join the class.
  • Before departure return your books, maps, or any goods which you borrowed.
  • Samadhi Yoga Ashram provides accommodation for a student who joins yoga classes. So any friends or relatives will not be included in the accommodation. If anybody is coming with you please inform the school earlier.
  • Students have to present in all scheduled programs of the Samadhi Yoga ashram.

Refund Policy - Samadhi Yoga Ashram

  • An advance of course fees will not be refundable, only in the case of emergency students can join us on other schedules.
  • If students cancel the course, we accept cancellation but advance deposit will not be refunded in cancellation.
  • There is no charge of course cancellation. The student just has to inform by email.
  • Samadhi Yoga Ashram is not responsible for any mishappenings before course schedule

What does the course fees include ?

  • 8 nights shared Accommodation
  • 9th Checkout (Before 12 PM)
  • Daily nutritious vegetarian meals and tea
  • Weekend excursions
  • Himalayan Cave meditation trip
  • Indian Classical Dance

What is not included in the course fees ?

  • Any expenses related to visa and travel
  • Private accommodation- 150 USD additional
  • Taxi-pickup from (DED) Dehradun airport is free.
  • Taxi-pickup from Haridwar Railway Station - 20 USD.
  • Ayurvedic Treatment & Massages extra cost
  • Air-conditioner or room heater- 100 USD additional

Contact Information

Drop us a line and let us know how we can help.


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If You Have Any Query Regarding Any Course

Providing The Best

Student's Reviews

Allen Joy


I trained with Yogi Vishnu Ji for a 200 hr self-paced traditional kundalini & tantra certification course. His warm and professional way of teaching aligned with how I learn best. The material is organized, there are supporting people behind the scenes and the course felt like a family. Since I was self-paced and I have limited internet, it was important for me to find a course where I could learn through videos 2-3 days a week. I took the whole 3 months to complete the course, however still feel connected to the knowledge and warmth of Yogi Ji... Thank you Samadhi Yoga Ashram for offering such a gift that will be passed to the world.

Inna Kelberer


I have been practicing yoga for 3,5 years. I have always wanted to learn yoga deeper and to become one day a yoga teacher. I believe you can learn and study more just by teaching others. In this way, you can grow yourself and you can help other people grow as well. I had a lot of questions in my mind when I decided to register for Guru Vishnu’s yoga teacher training course. He promised that the course would change my life. But I didn’t expect that the changes in my life would be so rapid and huge. I am delighted with the level of preparation of any events, quantity, and quality of information! I am very impressed!

Kimberly Prado


I am so grateful to have chosen to attend this school online, it really changed my perspective of learning yoga in a more traditional sense giving me the greatest understanding I need to continue my journey. The teachers are beyond amazing and the people you meet wonderful people from all over the world. I cannot wait to attend this school in India in the nearest future. I highly recommend this school. I love the traditional teachings which gave me the experience I needed to build a strong yoga foundation. It is definitely life-changing in the most positive way. I love this school!!!



Well, my experience over the last month has been magical, to say the least. I had signed up for a Kundalini YTT and that Kundalini knowledge ended up being just the extra bonus. The daily lessons with Guru Vishnu Ji are something I feel everyone should experience in their lifetime, our world would be a much better place, that is for sure. The amazing group of my classmates from all over the world truly added a real sparkle to my experience. It is so incredibly refreshing to be surrounded by so many wonderful, like-minded people, even if only on a virtual platform for now. I can not wait to meet my new family live in Rishikesh when the time is right.

Selena Delesie


I had an amazing experience with Samadhi Yoga Ashram for my Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training. It was an online version, but they did so well in helping to feel deeply connected to the teachers, staff, my Guruji Vishnu, and my fellow students around the world. They are authentic, warm-hearted, and very supportive in helping students find their path as not only a yoga teacher, but a student, a yogi who lives yoga as a way of life, and in navigating personal and collective wounds. I highly recommend it to anyone seeking traditional yoga as a way of life and in guiding others on their path too. It was a life-changing experience, following a very challenging couple of years. I am finally feeling whole again.



Staying at the Samadhi Yoga Ashram for my 200-hour yoga teacher training was the best decision I ever made. The staff and teachers were super friendly and knowledgeable. By the end of the 18-day intensive training we were so close, always laughing and hugging. I really feel like we all became a family. I made amazing memories there. The facility and accommodations met my expectations and had everything I needed. When I went in December it was a little cold but if you have enough blankets you will be fine! The staff also has plenty of blankets for people to use if needed. The food was delicious and plentiful every day. We also had enough time for breaks throughout the day to explore the town and have fun. Would highly recommend it!

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