Caring Our Elders

Caring Our Elders

In the modern society consist neglect is felt for the elderly people as they age. The society is becoming nuclear day by day and this affects greatly to the care and concern for the elderly people. As they age, they need more engagement to use their free time in constructive activities, which are often shadowed by their loneliness, ill-health and constantly changing demands of aging. Their children who are busy with shaping their career and maintaining their own family with responsibilities of kids are most of the times unable to devote time to their elderly parents and prefer to send them to foster homes for better care. Without lack of proper foster homes, these elderly mass often fail to lead a peaceful and happy life away from their children and grandchildren.

Samadhi Yoga Ashram has deeply understood this modern issue and extends its support for the elderly people through “Briddhashram – an Ashram for the elderly.” Here we try to offer a divine atmosphere for the elderly inside our Ashram along with various activities that keep these elderly people engaged in their daily chores. We help these elderly mass by keeping them happy and engaged while offering services to their choice inside the Ashram. This not only helps the elderly to stay happy and content inside the Ashram premises, but also makes them healthy with various developmental activities and contributing activities for the society.

“Sa Vidya Ya Bimuktaye!” Education is that which can liberate our souls from the bondage of ignorance. - Yogi Vishnu

Our objective behind this program

By providing education for the children, we envisage to return back to the society in terms of value based education starting from our Gurukul system of education in Guruji’s birth place in Odisha. With this program we envisage to instill the ancient values, traditions and effective learning for the children that can help them to build a better future and career. We are very cautious in selecting children who are really in need to make this effort a successful one for any child in need.

Facilities available at our Elderly Homes

We have made a provision of all essential care for the elderly people who prefer to stay in Ashram leading a shatwik and dedicated life. We have clean living spaces, organic and healthy shatwik foods and recreational activities for the elderly. We try to keep our elderly inmates engaged in supervision of various activities inside the Ashram and programs related to Ashram. They feel happy to devote their time and energy for some positive cause while spending time among all the inmates and school children. We help the elderly inmates by taking the best care for their health and wellbeing while offering them enough scope to utilize their experience in development of Ashram and various projects run by Ashram.

Old Age Home


Special Programs

Get Together

A Voyage of Self-Exploration into the Divinity of Supreme Soul – Yogi Vishnu ॐ अज्ञानतिमिरान्धस्य ज्ञानाञ्जनशलाकया । चक्षुरुन्मीलितं येन तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः ॥ Hari Om! - Yogi Vishnu

Who are eligible?

Any elderly person who would abide the basic rules and regulations of the Ashram are eligible to stay inside the elderly home. We still have some scrutiny and procedures for admitting any elderly person to the old age home which are practiced strictly. With our limited facilities we take the best care that each person staying inside stays happy and content. We also ensure that the best care is taken for the elderly population, who already have contributed a lot to this society. Our elderly home is situated in Tarekela village of Odisha, offers a complete freedom to the elderly within the scope of Samadhi Yoga Ashram.

Are you interested to help?

Any philanthropist or organization interested to extend support for the care of elderly are welcome to do so in our Ashram. We are open to such offers and appreciate such thoughts for caring our elders. For any particular type of assistance or support in this philanthropy act, we welcome people and organization to contact our management for the support of elderly home.

Elders have contributed their best for making this society a better place to live; now it’s our turn to take care of them while utilizing their knowledge and skills for further betterment!

We keep our elders with childrend at our school so it is a big family. We have only 5 elderly people now but we believe on family. They should not be a borden so we help financially so that their relatives can serve well happily.